Life Marks: SECURE

Life Marks: SECURE

No, I will not be talking about “Social Security” benefits, knowing that if things go “south” in our economy, these might be taken away from millions of Americans. Regarding our relationship with God, there are some things that will never be taken away from us. Knowing that you are unconditionally accepted by God as His “adopted” child are foundation stones for establishing our identity. Building upon these foundation stones, we must realize that we are also secure in Him. What does this mean?
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome telling them to rest assured that if they are “in Christ Jesus,” you will never be condemned (Rom. 8:1). Bible scholars and theologians have developed an interesting concept from the New Testament documents that we call the “mystical union.” For example, in this verse, Paul says that Christians are “in Christ,” but in another letter, he wrote that, “Christ is in you” (Col. 1:27). If you are His child, you are “in Christ” and “Christ is in you.” I love this truth because it takes us out of the realm of “religion” (keeping religious rules and rituals) and places us into the realm of a “relationship.” It’s “Christ in you” and “you in Christ,” and because of that union, you will never be condemned. Your eternal future is secure in Him.
Furthermore, Paul also told the Christians in Rome that they could never be separated from God’s love (Rom. 8:35). Imagine this – There is nothing that you could ever do to cause God not to love you. While human beings are so quick to condemn and reject one another, God will never do that. While we worry so much about measuring up so that others will love us (particularly true in marriage relationships), God will always love us. He will never reject us.
Paul wrote a lot of good “stuff” to the Christians in Rome — notice that each of the above paragraphs mention truths that Paul wrote in the 8th chapter. Well, here is another one. Do you also know that God is always working on our behalf, making sure that whatever happens in our lives is either for His good, our good, or for the good of others (Rom. 8:28)? What an incredible assurance this is. Knowing that even in the seemingly “bad stuff” of life, God has a plan that He is working out. And some of you are going through some pretty difficult and challenging circumstances right now. Rest assured, that if you are “in Christ,” and are called to fulfill His purposes, He is working and weaving all of it into His plan, a plan that may not become apparent to us in this life. But that’s where faith comes in. Can you trust Him that all of this “stuff” (the good, the bad, and the ugly), is known by God, and that He is making sure that it is a “good plan?” Yes you can! He is a faithful God, and you can trust Him.
Another aspect of our security in Christ has to do with the Holy Spirit that He has placed inside of His children. Having His spirit inside of us radically affects our own spirit. Instead of writing to a church, on this occasion the Apostle Paul wrote to his friend and faithful pastor Timothy, telling him that “God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, and of love, and self-control” (2 Tim. 1:7). Whatever circumstances we may face, we don’t have to be timid or fearful. This doesn’t mean that we should ever be haughty, brazen, or obnoxious, but that we just don’t need to be afraid. He has given us His power and His love, and we can live a disciplined, well-ordered life because of His power living and working in us.
And finally, we always need to remember that Jesus became our Great High Priest when He ascended into heaven after His resurrection. Because He came to earth and lived among us, He is now able to “…sympathize with our weaknesses because He was tempted in every way, just as we are, and yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15). And now comes the really good part, because of this, we can “…draw near to Him with confidence….” because His throne is where “grace” is freely dispensed, so that “…we may find mercy and grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). 
Even knowing that you are a child of God and adopted into His family, even knowing that you will never be condemned or separated from His love, even knowing that God is working out all things in your life for His purposes, even knowing that He has given you His power and His love, we are still human beings who need a High Priest who will empathize with our sufferings and listen to our prayers. He is the One to whom we can go, with confidence, knowing that with Him sitting on the throne, we will find mercy and grace to help us in time of need. For me, that’s security, and I hope it is for you as well.

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