Seeking Wisdom

As we begin our investigation into “wisdom,” it’s essential that we have a working definition of what wisdom actually is. Although there are a number of slightly different definitions, when combined, they look something like this, 

“Wisdom is the ability to consistently exercise sound judgment, making good decisions based upon the knowledge we have gained.”

Most importantly, notice that the foundation of wisdom is knowledge. And therefore, the essential question is, “Where is the source of the knowledge that will lead us to making wise choices?” We don’t have to look very far, as King Solomon tells us in the opening verses of his book devoted to wisdom (called the Book of Proverbs) in which he provides hundreds of proverbs, or “wise sayings.” Solomon tells us that,

“Reference for God is the beginning of all knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Prov. 1:7).

If wisdom is your “hope” for 2020, there is not much sense in moving forward unless you are willing to begin where Solomon tell us to begin, and that is to reverence God. And just two chapters later, Solomon gives us a stern warning about where not to look for wisdom, 

“Do not be wise in your own eyes, but reverence God and turn from evil” (Prov. 3:7).

Solomon tells us that we should not think that we’ve got it all figured out. Instead, we need to submit our lives to God and then let Him provide us with the wisdom to “figure it out,” whatever “it” might be.

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul tells us,

“All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Jesus Christ” (Col. 2:2-3).

Paul wants each of us to consider wisdom and knowledge as “treasures,” that is, they are the most valuable of all possessions we could have. These treasures are “from above,” that is, they come from Christ who is able and willing to give them to each one of us. James tells us,

“If you lack wisdom, you should ask God, and He will generously give it to you” (Js. 1:5).

We must realize that the wisdom that God provides will result in our ability to make wise decisions that, in turn, will lead us to bless and encourage others with deeds that are…

“…pure, merciful, sincere, considerate, loving, and full of ‘good fruit’” (Js. 3:17).

Finally, I’d like to extend my hope for God to bless you abundantly as we enter the New Year. To be blessed by God means to have your life filled and enriched by God Himself. Returning to the wisdom of King Solomon, 

“Blessed are those who find wisdom and gain understanding…” (Prov. 3:13).

The key to living a “blessed” life is simply this: Reverence God and humbly ask Him for wisdom. If we will do these two things, expect wisdom to show up at your door this New Year.

May God bless each of you with wisdom from above this New Year.


  1. REPLY
    Joni says

    Excellent article

  2. REPLY
    Virginia says

    I am adopting “Seek Wisdom” as my determination for 2020!

  3. REPLY
    Len and Ruth says

    Jim this is so right on. I will print this and keep it before me in the new year.
    So happy you two are hone and well,
    Happy New Year
    Love you both,
    Len and Ruth

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