The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:153-160)

Weekly Introduction: Because the psalmist is living his life according to the precepts of God’s Word, he is able to rejoice in the life God has given him as he successfully navigates the unexpected turns and potential pitfalls of life. I pray that you will sense the joy of the psalmist as we look at the next 8 verses presented under the heading of the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Resh.


Look on my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law (vs 153).

As we have seen previously, the psalmist has spent a great deal of time suffering at the hands of those who are out to “do him in.” And we have seen that those who are inflicting such abuse are those who reject and ridicule God’s Law. Despite this, the psalmist says that he has not forgotten God’s Law.

Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise (vs 154).

What was the “cause” of the psalmist? His “cause” was to honor God and His statutes by keeping them. Thus, he is asking God to defend him by removing the attacks of his adversaries, and to do it according to the promises in God’s Word to defend the righteous.

Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek out your decrees (vs 155).

Yes, salvation is far from the wicked because they do not seek out God’s decrees, the first and foremost of which is to have “no other gods before Him.” The gods of those who are bent on making the psalmist suffer are the “gods” of their own choosing, and the primary God of their own choosing is themselves!

Your compassion, Lord, is great; preserve my life according to your laws (vs 156).

Yes indeed, the psalmist recognizes the greatness of the Lord’s compassion in all situations, including his own. He recognized that the Lord feels the pain in his heart as he seeks to do His will. In response, the psalmist is asking God to “preserve his life” according to the promises in His Word.

Many are the foes who persecute me, but I have not turned from your statutes (vs 157).

Now the psalmist is getting specific, in that the foes who are persecuting him are many, and yet, he has not turned away from obedience to God’s laws, nor does he intend to do so in the future.

I look on the faithless with loathing, for they do not obey your word (vs 158).

The psalmist views those who are “faithless” with disdain, because he sees their arrogance and rebellion against God and His Word. I’m sure that we are all aware of those around us who have rejected God and His Word, and when they do evil, we loathe their actions while we pray for them to seek God.

See how I love your precepts; preserve my life, Lord, in accordance with your love (vs 159).

The psalmist reaffirms his love for God’s Word, and in response, asks Him to preserve his life in accordance with His love (His lovingkindness). We need to remember that God always responds in accordance with His character, and in this verse, the psalmist singles out His love.

All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal (vs 160).

The psalmist declares, as we should also, that all of God’s words are true, and all His righteous laws are eternal, that is, they never change. Despite the opposition that comes his way, the psalmist stands firm in declaring the truth of God’s Word, as should we.

I’m sure that each of us have experienced those occasions where others have ridiculed us for our faith in Christ. At those times, we need to plant our feet firmly in the Word of God and in His precepts, knowing that He has compassion on us and will respond to us according to His lovingkindness.


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