Life Marks: Beware!!!

Life Marks: Beware!!!

Remember the night in which Jesus was betrayed by Judas and then brought before the Jewish high court for interrogation and ultimately sentencing? It was a chilly evening, and while Peter warmed himself by the fire that others had prepared, people began to identify him as one of Jesus’ disciples, and before the rooster crowed to announce the morning dawn, Peter had denied even knowing Him three times (just as Jesus had predicted). As a result, Peter left the fire and went out alone and “wept bitterly.” Needless to say, that was undoubtedly the lowest moment of Peter’s life. Jesus told him that Satan was going to “sift him as wheat,” and that’s just what he did! That’s why, thirty years later, Peter exhorted all Christians to, “….gird your minds for action….” (1 Pet. 1:13).
So what does it mean “to gird?” It means to “prepare yourself” for action. The Greek word was used to describe the practice of people in the middle east taking their long robes or garments and lifting them up off the ground, and binding them around their waste with a leather belt so that they could run or walk swiftly with no impediments. This is what the Father of the Prodigal Son did when he “ran” to meet his son. In like manner, Peter is telling us to “gird our minds” for action, that is, to be “on guard” against the evil one, and “be prepared” to do battle with him. The mind is the battleground for truth, and that is where the battle for truth is either won or lost.
The Bible gives us plenty of warning regarding the source of lies. The evil one does not need to do a lot of direct “whispering in your ear,” because he can use “false teachers” to do his bidding for him. And then when we “buy into” their lies, that is as good as the evil one speaking lies directly to us.
False teachers were prevalent throughout Jesus’ ministry and during the growth of the first-century church, just as they are today. They specialize in teaching ideas and principles contrary to what Jesus and the Apostles taught. So that you can be equipped to spot “the lie” when it comes across your theological plate, let me give you just a few of the most basic Christian beliefs. These beliefs come from the mouth of Jesus Himself, and from the Apostles whom He called to take the Good News around the world. Using “question and answer” format, here are three “BIG” questions: 1) “Who is Jesus?” 2) What has He done for us?” 3) “What do we need to do in response?” That’s it. Here are some short answers taken directly from the words of Scripture (to make it easier to read, I’ve decided to not include the Scriptural references, but if you would like them, just let me know).
QUESTION #1 – Jesus is the Messiah (the long-expected Deliverer) as well as the Son of the Living God.
QUESTION #2 – God demonstrated His love for us by allowing His Son to die on the cross for our sins. He was then buried and subsequently rose again, later ascending into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of the Father.
QUESTION #3 – Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace (His undeserved favor), and is not the result of works, whether those works are keeping religious rituals or doing good toward others. God’s grace is given to us as a result of our faith, believing that Jesus died for our sins, and responding by confessing our sins, believing that He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The cleansed heart is miraculously changed into a new heart, and the “born again” child of God begins to live a life of “good works,” not in an attempt to earn merit, but to demonstrate his/her love for Christ.
Of course, there are many more Christian beliefs, but I believe that these represent the core of God’s truth revealed through His Son and the Apostles, and recorded for us in the New Testament. So now, let’s take a look at how the Apostles warned us about the deceptive tactics of these false teachers.
False teachers are known for using “empty words” and “persuasive arguments” in their attempt to “take us captive by philosophy and the traditions of men” (Eph. 5:6; Col. 2:4; Col. 2:8).  We are warned to not be carried away by “varied and strange teachings” (Heb. 13:9), nor are we to be like “…children, tossed around by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men or by craftiness in deceitful scheming” (Eph. 4:4). Like a ship on the ocean without a rudder, if we don’t know the truth and allow it to guide our lives, we will simply be theological and practical “drifters,” carried about by every “wind of doctrine.” This is why both Peter and Paul exhort us to be constantly on the alert, having our minds “girded” (prepared for battle), and to stand firm in the faith” (Cor. 16:13; 1 Pet. 1:13).
In addition, the false teachers during Jesus’ day were very impressive, and were able to even perform miracles. Can you believe that? However, that is not proof that they are from God, as Jesus told His followers to pay attention to the fruit of their lives (Mt. 7:15-20). While miracles proceeded from their hands, empty and deceitful words proceeded from their mouths. But because there was no genuine repentance and faith, the character and conduct flowing from their lives simply didn’t measure up to the kind of fruit God’s children are supposed to bear. Internally, they were still empty and separated from God by sin, and that’s why the “root” of their lives failed to produce the “fruit” of righteousness. And so Jesus would warn us today to be sure to look at the “fruit,” because that will give us a clue to the “root.”
Indeed, the mind is the battleground for truth, and if Satan wins that battle, there is no telling what kind of a path he may lead you down. God’s truth is revealed in His Word, the Bible. If we want to know the truth, we need to read His Word. And if we know the truth, and the evil one confronts us with a lie, we will be able to recognize it and send the evil one “packing.” He won’t bother with those who consistently “stand in the truth.” Learn the truth, believe the truth, and practice the truth. If you do, you will gain the victory over the battle for your mind, and as a result, you will be able to chart a clear and straight course for a life that honors God.


  1. REPLY
    Donna says

    Hi Jim, This verse comes to mind when I am wondering about this world “For our battle is not against flesh and blood…” Thanks for the reminder about being aware!

    • REPLY
      Jim says

      Your are welcome Donna. There are lots of “reminders” in God’s Word, and I’m so happy that this one came to your mind. Peggy and I pray that you are doing well.

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