I suspect that from the time you were a little child, you disliked (a softer word than “hated,” although some of you might have preferred I used it) doing chores. Whether they were daily or weekly, most of the time it brought on a sense of shear dread, as you always felt that you had more important things to do. I’m not talking about doing homework or practicing the musical instrument your parents wanted you to become proficient at. As a side note, my mother wanted me to become much more cultured, and so she made sure that I had piano and trumpet lessons. Regardless of which lesson I was engaged in, I was always dreaming about playing baseball, football, or basketball, and I always tried to convince my mother that those were great aspects of American “culture.” That didn’t go over very well. The result — not much skill in either piano or trumpet. After what seemed like endless hours on the trumpet, my instructor still had to tell me to put a mute in the end of my horn during every recital!!
OK – I confess that piano and trumpet lessons were chores for me. But there was one chore that was the worst of all, and it still is – taking out the trash, specifically, the “garbage!” Recyclable items aren’t so bad, but the garbage, that’s another story. You are probably wondering where I am headed with all of this. Well, what is true with our “household” garbage is also true with our own “personal” garbage. Let’s face it, there are items in our personal lives that we need to “take out,” “dump,” “get rid of.” Why? Because they are of no redemptive value, and in fact, they are usually quite destructive. They bring no joy or blessing to ourselves, nor to others. So what am I talking about?
The New Testament talks about getting rid of certain character traits that are detrimental to ourselves and to our relationships, and that includes our relationship with God. Character is not what you do, but it’s who you are, and as some have said, “Character is who you are when no one is looking!” Character is that internal stuff that makes you “YOU,” and it’s those internal qualities that define you.
We often refer to those internal qualities as “attitudes,” and they can either be positive or negative. Like trash, there are some negative attitudes that we need to get rid of first. It’s a little like a vessel that holds our character traits. If that vessel is filled with negative attitudes, like bitterness, wrath, slander, malice, anger, and unforgiveness, then there is no way for the positive ones to enter. Only when we get rid of the negative stuff can God can fill us with the good stuff. Jesus knew all about those negative traits that sadly define so many people, and He wanted His disciples to be clear about their origin. Here is a little of the dialogue found in the Gospel of Matthew (Mt. 15:10-20).
The religious leaders once confronted Jesus about the fact that He had not told His disciples to properly wash their hands before eating. It wasn’t about getting rid of “germs,” as it was more about showing proper respect to God. Jesus used this occasion to tell them,
“It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles a man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
I really love the next part. The disciples came to Jesus and told him that the religious leaders were “offended” by what he said. Of course they were. They were focused upon keeping the external requirement of the Law, and not on the internal requirements. They consistently received “F’s” on their report cards for love, mercy, and justice. Jesus told His disciples,
“…leave them alone, for they are blind guides of the blind, and if a blind man guides a blind man, both of them will fall into the pit.”
The disciples couldn’t quite understand the point Jesus was trying to make, so He told them plainly,
“Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is eliminated? But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile a man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses, slanders. For these are the things that defile the man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
So, let me say it plainly for each of us. There can be a bunch of “junk” in our hearts that often comes out in our attitudes and actions. And when they come out, our true feelings about life and people are exposed for all to see. No need for a surgeon’s knife to open us up. Anyone can see what’s on the inside by the attitudes and actions that originate in our hearts, and then come out through our mouths or in our actions.
Some of you have been trying to get rid of those things for many years. You know exactly what they are. Maybe it’s bitterness, or anger, or jealousy, or a seething resentment, things that you just can’t seem to “shake” as much as you want to. The truth is, only God can do it. Just let Him knew your need, and then boldly ask Him to “jettison the junk.” Practice goodness, truth, love, and mercy, and do it daily. You may not change overnight, but change will come. Just ask Him, then trust Him, and then wait expectantly for Him to do His work in your character.
Hope to see you next week as we move beyond the “trash.”


  1. REPLY
    Donna says

    Good words Jim.Thank you for the reminder that we can’t do it on our own. Sometimes I’m amazed at what comes out of my mouth and realize that was in my heart. Thankful to Jesus for God’s work on my character!

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