As you are probably aware, the New Testament was written in the Greek language, and this means that the Bibles we hold in our hands have been translated into English from the original Greek. In English, we talk about “loving our spouse” or “loving football,” using the same word “love.” But the Greek language has different words to describe different “kinds” of “love.” For example, the Greek word eros refers primarily to “romantic love” (and that’s emotional), and the Greek word phileo refers primarily to “brotherly love” (like “Philadelphia,” or “The City of Brotherly Love”).
But the word most often used in the New Testament is agape, and this kind of love is both unconditional and sacrificial. It’s the word used in the well-known passage of Scripture, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him (puts their faith and trust in Him) will not perish but have eternal life” (Jn. 3:16). So essential is this passage to the Christian faith that some football fans hold up a sign in the stands behind the goal posts that simply says, “John 3:16.” God’s love for us has no borders. His LOVE is not based upon any religious or moral merit that we might have, but just pure, unconditional love.
But that love is also sacrificial. God didn’t just talk about His love, He showed it. Here is what the Apostle Paul had to say, “God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Paul wanted to make it clear that even though we have all rebelled and wandered far away from God, Christ died so that we could be forgiven of our sins and receive new LIFE in Him.
Agape is the LOVE that echoes throughout the New Testament. In his initial letter to the first-century church in Corinth (about fifty miles south of Athens), the Apostle Paul spent an entire chapter unpacking what it means to LOVE. He began with the supreme importance of LOVE over all other impressive things we may have or do in life. For a moment, think of what you are really good at, or what causes others to be impressed with. Whatever you come up with, it can’t even come close to what the Apostle Paul mentions. Allow me to paraphrase just a bit.
If you could speak in a myriad of angelic and human languages, but do not have LOVE, you are only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. I don’t mind the gong or the cymbal, but it’s the “resounding” and “clanging” part that gets to me. I’m sure we all know people just like that, that is, “clangers” who speak without LOVE. Or, if you had the gift of prophecy (you could foretell the future); and understood all mysteries (in other words, you could answer all of the “why?” questions); and if you had all knowledge (no need to “Google” anything!); and even had faith that could move mountains, it would mean nothing. And even if you are the greatest philanthropist of all and gave all of your resources to feed and clothe the poor, and even if you sacrificed yourself, dying for a worthy cause, if you did all of these things without LOVE, it would profit neither you nor anyone else anything (I Cor. 13:1-3).
And then Paul talks about the characteristics of agape LOVE, and this is the kind of LOVE that God is able to create in our lives. There are several things that LOVE does not do:  it does not envy others; it does not boast about one’s own accomplishments or seek to elevate oneself; nor does it promote a prideful spirit. It is not rude to others; it does not “fly off the handle” in anger; and it does not keep a ledger of wrongs that others have done toward us. And finally, this kind of LOVE does not cheer when evil is winning.
On the other hand, LOVE rejoices when truth prevails; it is patient, kind, and protective of others; it bears up under intense pressures; it believes in the truth; it perseveres under all kinds of hardship; and it hopes for the fulfillment of all of God’s promises and all good things He has in store for us (I Cor. 13:4-7).
All of the other things that we may be tempted to put our confidence in will fail, but LOVE will never fail (I Cor. 13:8). In fact, if we were to compare the three greatest virtues of all:  Faith, Hope, and Love, Love is at the top of the list. There is no greater virtue than LOVE.
And how can you and I express this kind of LOVE? It must first be given to us, and then by His strength, we must head out into a world that is desperate for real LOVE — A LOVE that is unconditional and sacrificial, a LOVE that can only come from God.
So, if you don’t have it yet, just ask Him for it. He’s waiting to hear from you.


  1. REPLY
    Connie van Groos says

    Thank you for sharing this important, thought provoking lesson!! I passed it on to my Jenny. We all miss yours and Peggy’s leadership and teachings SO much over here in So. County! This was wonderful to share a lesson together again..
    It IS so important to realize there ARE many different kinds of love and levels of capacity. Getting that point sure changed my perspective on so many things in my life.
    My prayers changed from Lord; why do I believe this person loves me but I can’t square that with why I am being mistreated at the same time?…To; Lord, “Thank you so much for Your shield of protection you have provided for me and for your unconditional Love which I never really knew before knowing You.. May I and all the people in my life experience/recognize YOUR love and grow to become more like You. I pray for a deepening capacity/ more fertile ground and for experiences that God provides to help in that goal.”

    I still remember when I transitioned from a person coming into your church in Rohnert Park with my head down and my fists clenched…to the day I slowly opened those fists and put my opened hands gently together in prayer. My hands almost hurt to open in that way. I’d depended on myself for so long. Pastor, you helped me learn that I had the BEST partner in the world, right by my side and for always….. My dear Lord..

    Thanks you again.. and always.
    Appreciate this reading and look forward to others..All my BEST to you and dear Peggy and Family.

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