Life Connexion Wishes You, a Very Merry Christmas!


Peggy and I often talk about our “busy” lives as being a “good-busy.” Here are some highlights of 2017:


  • Continues his ministry of recruiting teachers for ERRChina, helping to train them, and then travels with Peggy twice a year to visit them in China, and once each year in Thailand, where we meet for our annual teacher’s retreat;
  • Loved his time coaching our twin grandson’s Champion Football team (their numbers are 3 & 13), and were two of the four team captains in the photo); and
  • Getting in an occasional round of golf (nothing to shout about there).


  • Visited her brother in Orlando for his surprise 90th birthday party;
  • Teaches a Women’s Bible Study at Lakeside Church;
  • Continues her tutoring ministry;
  • Continues to provide wise counsel for several women as needs arise; and 
  • Loves spending time with our daughters and grandchildren!

Both of us have had the privilege and joy of:

  • Spending time with many special people, including our own family;
  • Serving as interim pastor (along with Peggy) at Pollock Pines Community Church; and
  • Spending time with the Price-Geddes family at our Family Reunion in Tahoe.
So now, let’s go to the pictures. You will see an assortment of photos, including Peggy and me, Peggy and her niece, as well as our children, grandchildren, and extended family at our family reunion in July. One of Peggy’s former PhD students from China came to visit us for the weekend, and Peggy spent 3 weeks teaching Chinese twins English and American Culture. On numerous occasions, our own twin grandsons accompanied Peggy on excursions, and you wouldn’t have believed the look on people’s faces when they saw two sets of twins together, one from China and the other from the US. I have not included any captions, as I thought you could figure out the context.
Blessings to all, and again, Merry Christmas. We praise God that you are in our lives!!! And thanks for praying for us as we travel and interact with many people during our time in China.


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    Anita rustigan says

    What a wonderful life ! Thanks & have a wonderful. Christmas …here’s to a Happy & healthy 2018…love you both & still miss you !!!,

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    Lisa Johnson (Rohnert Park) says

    I loved the photo gallery, Jim, especially seeing the girls and their children, all so grown up!!! Bill and I really enjoyed our recent visit with you & Peggy. Peg & I whipping up treats in the kitchen and you & Bill out on the links. I bet your favorite Russian Tea cake cookies have vanished and were enjoyed. Our best wishes for a safe and productive trip to China and have a Merry Christmas. We hope to see you two in Sutter Creek in 2018.
    Love, Lisa

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    Don and Sandra Farris says

    Merry Christmas to you two! We are praying for you as you travel and teach. We will be in touch when you return. Happy New! Love you guys–what special friends you!

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    Virginia L Lashbrook says

    You’re lovely! Happy Christmas! With Lots of Love- In Christ, V

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    Doug Erickson says

    Hi Jim! You probably wouldn’t know, but Carol and I have left California and moved back to the Kansas City area. Our son lives here and we are also much closer to our daughter in Ohio. Also have a lot of friends still here, even after 30 yrs in CA. I’m still working but getting ready to retire in a couple of years, and CA is no place to retire! You two look great, and the happiness in your life shows! All the best. Carol and Doug

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