From Frustration to Peace

Peggy and I both grew up in pretty traditional churches. That is where I got to know and love the hymns. I would sing them often, although I made sure that no one heard me except when singing in church. Peggy used to be amazed at me when we would visit a traditional church as I didn’t need to use the hymnal because I knew the words of the hymn we were singing; well, at least most of the words! One of my favorites was the song, “Peace, Wonderful Peace.” Here are the words of the refrain,

Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above; 
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love.”

Now I suspect that there are some of you out there who also grew up on the “old hymns,” and were humming the melody as you read these words once again. No need to confess, just consider it as a very precious reflection on special times of worship in the past.  

The Bible says that there are two kinds of peace that are essential for our well-being. Billy Graham used to say that our greatest need is not for love, acceptance, or significance (although important), but our greatest need is to have “Peace with God.”That peace comes as a result of being brought into a right relationship with Him, which is called “justification.” Here is what Paul had to say, 

“Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through out Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:8). 

You can have “peace with God” through faith in the forgiving power of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross.

But there is another kind of peace that we need to have and that is the “Peace of God.”In any and all circumstances, we can experience God’s peace, knowing that He is faithfully watching over us and will take care of all our needs. As Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure, He told them, 

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful” (Jn. 14:27).

And when Jesus warned them about tough times ahead, He said,

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world”
(Jn. 16:33).

Notice that Jesus wanted His disciples to know that He was the true source of peace, and He is the One who dispenses it to each one of us as a gift. Which brings us back to the issue of “trust.” If we “trust” in Him, He will grant us “His peace.” It’s His gracious gift to us. So just trust Him and wait for His peace to overwhelm you. 


  1. REPLY
    Deborah Perchetti says

    Thank you Pastor Jim. Lately and for awhile now it’s been a struggle.
    My Uncle passed away and my mother in law she was almost 99!
    It hit bob and I very hard and especially Bob. His health is not good and I feel overwhelmed at times.
    Then our Labrador passed.. he was almost 16. It was his time but the sadness has been overwhelming. In fact just today I signed up for an online counseling service. Your blog really helps me cope. My faith is very important to me. Thank you and please give my love to Peggy. Miss you both a lot.

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    Savanna says

    So good!

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