Of course, we have all heard of Jonah, the guy in the Old Testament who got swallowed by a whale!!!! Actually, it was a giant fish, and in case you are a bit skeptical, there is a species of “giant fish” who has a throat large enough to swallow a
Up to this point in our study of the Prophets, we have been looking at messages brought to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel. But Obadiah is called by God to bring a message of judgment to another country, a country that lay to the east of Judah,
Once again, let’s remember that following the reign of Solomon, the northern 10 tribes left the “union,” leaving just 2 tribes to the south. While Judah in the south had many “good” kings who drew the people to the Lord, her “sister” to the north, Israel, had only “evil” kings
So that we can keep our historical bearings for the “Minor Prophets,” I’d like to review a bit of history that we covered last week. If you recall, the twelve tribes of Israel were united as one nation during the reigns of the first three kings: Saul, David, and Solomon.
A bit of history before we kick off our series on the “Minor Prophets,” and specifically today, Hosea. If you recall, the twelve tribes of Israel were united as one nation during the reigns of the first three kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. But after Solomon’s reign, his son Rehoboam
While the Book of Revelation is the major prophetic book in the New Testament, Daniel is it’s equivalent in the Old Testament. In fact, some have called it “The Apocalypse of the Old Testament.” But in addition to it’s prophetic aspects, there are some well-known historical elements in the book,
Ezekiel was the prophet to the people during their 70-year exile in Babylon, an exile predicted by the former “major prophet,” Jeremiah. Like Jeremiah, in addition to being a prophet of God, Ezekiel was also a priest, and therefore, his prophetic ministry shows a priestly emphasis in his concern with
The Book of Lamentations has been referred to as the text of a funeral service for the City of Jerusalem. It is a tear-stained description of a city that was once the “Pride of Israel” which was leveled by the world-dominant Babylonians in 586 BC. Jeremiah warned the people of
The Book of Jeremiah is the second book in this major section of the Old Testament called “The Prophets.” Jeremiah was divinely called by God in his youth from Anathoth, a city about two miles north of Jerusalem where many priests resided. In fact, his father was himself a priest.
The Book of Isaiah begins a major section of the Old Testament called “The Prophets.” There are four so-called “Major Prophets” followed by another twelve “Minor Prophets.” The primary difference between “major” and “minor” is simply the length of their writings which was a product of the number of years