
The  Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible. It contains a series of “farewell” messages by Moses on the plains of Moab which he addressed to the new generation as they prepared to enter the Promised land. The Book focuses upon “renewing the Covenant” that was established

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The  Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible. It takes its name from two “numberings” of the Children of Israel before they entered the Promised Land – one was at Mt. Sinai at the beginning of their “wanderings” in the desert, and the other was on the

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The Book of Leviticus is the third of the first five books of the Bible attributed to Moses. Moses received the Law from God after the Children of Israel left Egypt in order to worship God at Mount Sinai. The Book presents God’s plan for His people to approach Him

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As you might expect, Exodus picks up where the Book of Genesis leaves off. Joseph (one of Jacob’s 12 sons) becomes “prime minister” in Egypt, and during the years of famine, Joseph’s family comes from Canaan to find food, and with Joseph’s protection and blessing, they settle in the land

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You are probably familiar with the very first verse in Genesis, which happens to be the very first verse in the Bible, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Of course, much has been written on this subject, and I’m not planning to launch into a scientific

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“The Messianic Court of Appeals (Part 9)”

After his transfer to Caesarea, Paul was given the opportunity to provide a “defense” of his faith before Felix, the governor of the province. Paul reminded Felix of certain things that he was already aware of, namely,  “… that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and

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“The Messianic Court of Appeals (Part 8)”

As we discovered last week, after his return from his third missionary journey, Paul decided to go to Jerusalem, sensing that he would encounter much opposition. As soon as he arrived on the temple steps and began sharing Christ with those who had gathered, his suspicions became reality. After his

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“The Messianic Court of Appeals (Part 7)”

Soon after Paul’s First Missionary Journey, the Church in Antioch sent Paul and Silas to all of the churches that had been planted in Asia Minor on the First Journey, strengthening the disciples and appointing elders in each church. As Paul was planning to travel northward into Bithynia, in a

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“The Messianic Court of Appeals (Part 6)”

Once again, although the sentence of “death” for Jesus could not be retracted, at least there was a chance that the opinion of those who made up the “court” could be reversed. And that’s exactly what Peter, John, Stephen, and Paul attempted to do. Last week we focused on Paul’s

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“The Messianic Court of Appeals (Part 5)”

Once again, although the sentence of “death” for Jesus could not be retracted, at least there was a chance that the opinion of those who made up the “court” could be reversed. And that’s exactly what Peter, John, and Stephen attempted to do in the days following Pentecost. As the

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