“My Backyard Project” (Part 1)

In Folsom where we live, like in most of your communities, there is a specific “trash pick-up day” during the week when the local trash service picks up garbage, recyclables, and green waste. Our pick-up day is Tuesday, and for several weeks I filled our green waste bin with rosemary,

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“The Slavery Cycle” (Part 2)

As mentioned previously “Christian Slavery” is a thoroughly biblical concept. Let me take a few minutes to walk us through the concept. Remember last week, Jesus said,   “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin” (Jn. 8:34). If you remember, the word

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“The Slavery Cycle” (Part 1)

One of the greatest events in biblical history is the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It was then, about 3,500 years ago, that God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of 430 years of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land. Historians tell us that

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“From Slave to Brother” 

In about AD 63, while imprisoned in Rome awaiting trial before Nero, Paul drafted a letter to one of his dear friends in Colossae, in Asia Minor. If you recall, Paul wrote a letter addressed to the entire church at Colossae, but this letter was a personal letter to one

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“Confidence in Uncertain Times”  

Oh, how quickly things can change! On the morning of September 11, 2001, we woke up to a new world, a world in which the reality of terrorism had become a “clear and present danger,” and a world in which we would all be living with few of the certainties

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“What Can I Do?”

Let me begin by talking about God, and specifically some of the things that He hates. Yes, although He passionately loves us, He hates many of the things that we do. King Solomon identifies seven things that God hates including: “…a proud look, a lying tongue, a wicked heart, violent

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“Home Again (Part 3)”

Over the last few weeks, we discovered several things that happened the moment Jesus arrived in Heaven. First, we saw that upon entering Heaven, He shed His “resurrection” body only to be immediately clothed in His “glorified” body. And then we discovered that Jesus, our Great High Priest, performed the

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“Home Again (Part 2)”

In my last blog, we looked at what happened to Jesus when He entered Heaven following His ascension in AD 30 — He exchanged His “resurrection body” (which was perfectly fit for life on earth for the 40 days following His resurrection) for His glorified body (perfectly fit for Heaven).

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“Home Again (Part 1)”

As we saw two weeks ago, Jesus appeared not only to His disciples, but to an additional 500 people during the 40 days following His resurrection. Then, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus ascended into Heaven in a “cloud.” We saw last week that this “cloud” was not an ordinary

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“One Amazing Mom”

Jesus’ ministry in Israel was full of life-changing encounters with needy and desperate people, but was also full of some intense confrontations with religious leaders. Jesus was constantly “hounded” by those seeking to entrap Him and expose Him as an imposter. Because of the constant pressures He faced, along with

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