“The Messianic Court of Appeals”
Shortly after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, appeals were presented in an effort to overturn the decision of the “court” made up of Israel’s religious leaders, the jeering crowds, and even the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. Although the sentence of “death” could not be retracted, at least there
“Messianic Debates”
Whenever the facts point to something that is certain, it is no longer an issue to be debated. There is a huge difference between a discussion and a debate. In a discussion, two or more individuals gather together to talk about one or more issues in order to arrive at
“The Incomparable Power of Prayer”
Immediately following His baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, Jesus began to call the nation to repentance. The word in the Greek means to “change your mind,” and it is always followed by a change of heart, attitudes, and actions. Although there is the “individual” aspect of
“He’s Still Working”
I know that we are all “wired” differently, but in many areas of life, we have a desire to be “first,” or at least the “best.” This is not wrong in itself, but when it becomes an obsession, then other people get hurt as they are pushed and shoved aside
“A Hope That Makes a Difference”
At the conclusion of last week’s blog, I wanted each of us be aware of one of the great Christian symbols of our hope in Christ — the anchor. As the writer of Hebrews said, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Heb. 6:19)
“Hope in Hard Times”
We need answers during hard times. And even more than that, we desperately need solutions. We need a firm foundation upon which to stand when the waves of doubt, fear, and uncertainty attempt to sweep over us. What we need is “hope.” Biblical “hope” is not about “hoping” for a
“An Appropriate Response”
I have no doubt that we are all concerned about the state of our nation. In every free society, when issues are raised, there are likely to be a myriad of responses. Differences of opinion go back to our founders, and those differences can be healthy because they spark lively
“Warning Signs”
I want to be clear from the outset, that I do not believe that what appears to be the rapidly increasing downward spiral of our nation’s culture is irreversible. I believe in genuine, biblical “HOPE,” and that hope is grounded in the power of God to change the course of
“My Backyard Project” (Part 3)
I really don’t like having to do this, but I need to return to the rats one more time. You see, in the spring, after a delightful winter in which we received lots of rain, it was once again time for me to turn on my drip system in order
“My Backyard Project” (Part 2)
When I cleared the back hillside of rosemary and rats, I realized long before I began the project that this was only a part of what needed to be done. The next phase was the daunting task of covering the hillside with vegetation, vegetation that did not include more rosemary!