
Last week we saw that God has revealed Himself to all people through His creation (“General Revelation”), as well as through the Old Testament patriarchs, kings, and prophets, culminating in the revelation of His Son, Jesus Christ (“Special Revelation”). But we must keep in mind that virtually all we know

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No, this blog will not focus on the last book in the Bible, the Book of Revelation. What I want to focus on is the fact that all we can ever know about God (who is invisible) and His plan for the world, including you and me, must be “revealed”

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As we saw last week, salvation is surely the most important word in our vocabulary. When a person is “saved,” that person’s sins are not only forgiven, but he is also cleansed from all unrighteousness. But that’s just the beginning, because the one who is “saved” is also “changed,” and

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Salvation is the most important word on our list. Yes, there is the physical element to the word which indicates “salvation” from physical harm or danger, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, it means “salvation” from both the penalty and power of sin, and in heaven, from the very

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Sanctification is an important word found throughout the New Testament. The Greek word translated as “sanctification” or “sanctify” is hagios, and it means “to be, or to be made, holy,” with the additional idea of being “set apart for divine purposes.” If you recall, “justification” (a word that we considered

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As we saw in last week’s blog, it is sin that causes us to be alienated from God, but when Jesus forgives our sins, we are immediately reconciled to God. We also saw that reconciliation is such an important word in the biblical text that its message is part of

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Reconciliation is a common word that I suspect we have all used at one time or another. Most of the time we use it to describe two individuals who have been in conflict, only to see that conflict dissolve because they have reconciled. In short, they have “made peace” with

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The Bible uses several terms to identify a person’s new position in Christ, and one of them is “justification.” It’s a legal term used to describe the position of the person who has received from Jesus the gift of “LIFE.” This person is said to have been “justified,” or brought

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Redemption is the process whereby a person who has been held in bondage is set free. There is always a price to pay for the person’s release, and that is called a “ransom.” Interestingly, the ransom is never paid by the one who is being held captive. It’s almost always

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From Existing to Living

Yes, there really is a difference between merely “existing” and actually “living.” All of us born on planet earth not only “exists,” but we are also considered to be “living,” breathing human beings. But it was Jesus Himself who drew the distinction between “existing” and “living.” You see, everyone is

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