Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #35: “Scar of Remembrance”

Even though I was just nine years old, I was always eager for the holidays so that I could take a break from the rigors of school. With summer coming, my brother and I were very excited about the days to come. But summer vacation hadn’t arrived yet, and somehow

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #34: “From Foe to Friend”

As we all know, having a close friend in life is a true gift. Indeed, Jiayu is my dear friend and she always encourages and helps me a lot. However, we didn’t always get along. Years ago, she was my desk mate in middle school. She has always had a

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #33: “Don’t Pass the Buck”

When you commit to a task and later find that you are unable to do it, what will you do? Will you run away from it, or face it head on? When I was in middle school, I evaded a task that was given to me. At that time, I

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #32: “Just Trust Me”

What a fun day it was! The sunshine in May warmly embraced the earth in her arms. It was the time of year when spring was drawing to a close and the flowers were fading away; nevertheless, in the courtyard of our home, a locust tree was still in full

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #31: “Other’s Corn”

I was born in the countryside where every household has a field to cultivate. Our village planted mostly soybeans and cotton, which are economic crops and can be sold for good profits. But as you might expect, I was not interested in those at all, and I often asked my

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #30: “My First Big Show”

When I was a little child, I always looked forward to the International Children’s Day, for we would always hold a party to celebrate it. There were more than ten kindergartens in our town, and we all celebrated this special day together. I was really excited about watching the show

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #29: “My Regrettable Accusation”

Most of us talk to many people every day, sharing our opinions about sports and current events or making judgments about decisions made or even about people we know. Have you ever thought that a single sentence, or just a single word, could have terrible and far-reaching consequences that may

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #28: “Share the Ball, Share Life”

Do you remember the first time you recognized the importance of sharing? It is not easy for some people, especially for children who are outstanding in almost every respect. When I was a child, I was always one of the top students in my school. I always did well, not

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #27: “The Best Bet I Ever Lost”

When I was in the third grade in primary school, I was always trying my hardest to take first place whenever it came to academic performance. I was the class monitor for each of my classes and my teacher’s “right-hand” girl. My teachers paid me lots of attention while my

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students: Lesson #26: “Never Forget Your Dream”

I am a very fortunate person. Why? It’s because I was able to escape from a horrible job and do some things that completely changed the direction of my life. In 2003, I failed to pass the senior high school entrance examination, and because my family was poor, I couldn’t

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