Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #25: “Rescued from the Brink of Death”

God treats everyone equally! And everyone has only one life to live. When you are in a safe situation, you do not realize that life is precious. But when your life, or the life of someone you love, is in danger, you discover how wonderful life is. And if you

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #24: “My Kind-Hearted Cousin”

Many memories from my childhood have gone with the wind. However, some of them have been deposited as pearls glittering in the river of time. They always remind me of the mistakes I once made, as well as the moments of happiness I once had. The most impressive person in

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #23: “Jumping the Horse”

Every four years during the Summer Olympic Games, gymnastics has always been my favorite sport to watch. I love it because it requires physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance. However, when I was in primary school, gymnastics was my worst nightmare. In my gymnastics class, tumbling, high bar, and

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #22: “Up in Flames!”

Today is October 1st, China’s National Day. The sun has already risen into the sky, and I am still casually lying in bed. A beam of sunlight penetrates through the window of my room and scatters its golden ribbon across my bed. On the ribbon, I can see tiny specks

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #21: “The Birth of My Dream”

My parents were looking forward to the day when I would grow up and become a Chinese linguist or writer. That was when I was only four years old and just beginning my training in traditional Chinese culture. By the time I was eight years old, I was skilled at

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #20: “Real Love Goes Crunch, Crunch”

I’d like to share a story with you about my grandfather. Some people may find this story funny, but for me at only four years old, it wasn’t funny at all! I’m happy to share this story because my grandfather showed me what love is, and his love that was

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #19: “Free the Frogs”

There was a small river which flowed several hundred meters from my village. Famers had opened up some paddy fields and fishponds on the sides of the river to take advantage of the water for agriculture. The river was also a good place for the villagers to relax. I used

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #18: “Hooligan in the Home”

When I was twelve years old, I never thought that I would ever study in a university. But now I am writing this story as a PhD student at Peking University. What was it that changed me? Let me tell you my story. When I was in the sixth-grade of

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Life-Changing Lessons From Some Of China’s Best Students Lesson #17: “Surrounded”

“It’s time to wake up and get ready for school! Remember, you are on duty today and you can’t be late!” Hearing my mom’s shouting, I unwillingly opened my eyes and struggled to get out of my nice, warm bed. It was winter time and still dark outside, and I

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #16: “Missing Bullet Shells”

“There will be a film tonight on the playground,” one of my little friends shouted to me. We were all so excited when we heard the good news because, at just five years old, we had never seen a movie before. You see, in the early 1990s, most Chinese people

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