The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:33-40)

Because the psalmist is living his life according to the precepts of God’s Word, he is able to rejoice in the life God has given him. This Psalm is truly the “Song of the Joyful Sojourner” as we see the psalmist navigate his way through the unexpected turns and potential

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The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:25-32)

Because the psalmist is living his life according to the precepts of God’s Word, he is able to rejoice in the life God has laid out before him. This Psalm is truly the “Song of the Joyful Sojourner” as we see the psalmist navigate his way through the unexpected turns

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The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:17-24)

As a weekly reminder for this series, the 119th Psalm was written so that we might get to know God better, love Him more, and live our lives according to His Word. Although the author is not identified, in my mind, the Psalm portrays the “Song of the Joyful Sojourner”

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The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:9-16)

As a reminder, the Psalms were written so that we might get to know God better, love Him more, and live our lives according to His Word. Although the author is not identified, in my mind, it exemplifies the “Song of the Joyful Sojourner” as he navigates his way through

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The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119:1-8)

The Psalms were written so that we might get to know God better, love Him more, and live our lives according to His Word. And Psalm 119 exemplifies the main goal of each of the Psalms in our “Old Testament Hymnal.” Although the author is not identified in the Hebrew

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The Song of the Joyful Sojourner (Psalm 119 – Introduction)

First of all, I’d like you to know that the theme I have chosen for this series comes from the 54th verse of Psalm 119: “Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge” (Psalm 119:54). This Psalm is one that many of you have read in the

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Free Indeed!

If you recall last week, the Jews to whom Jesus was speaking claimed that they had never been enslaved to anyone, denying the plain fact that the Jewish people had been enslaved to many different nations during they existence, and that they were currently occupied by the Romans. Jesus went

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Freedom for the Enslaved

Last week we looked at some of the documents produced by our Founding Fathers, along with some of their insights, and their connection with what God says in His Word, the Bible. Reflecting on the moral state of our country, we were reminded of the words of John Adams who

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America – A Republic in Crisis!

At the outset, I’m pretty sure that you have wondered, or are wondering, if America should be thought of as a Republic or a Democracy. Well, let’s take a closer look. A REPUBLIC is where the people delegate their responsibility to elected representatives in government to make decisions. Thus, the

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From Malta to Rome (AD 61)

As we saw last week, the anticipated relaxing Mediterranean Cruise turned out to be a dangerous and stressful journey across the Mediterranean in an attempt to reach Italy so that Paul could stand trial before Nero. In a hurry to get Paul to Rome from Caesarea, the journey was attempted

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