Free Indeed!

If you recall last week, the Jews to whom Jesus was speaking claimed that they had never been enslaved to anyone, denying the plain fact that the Jewish people had been enslaved to many different nations during they existence, and that they were currently occupied by the Romans. Jesus went

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Freedom for the Enslaved

Last week we looked at some of the documents produced by our Founding Fathers, along with some of their insights, and their connection with what God says in His Word, the Bible. Reflecting on the moral state of our country, we were reminded of the words of John Adams who

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America – A Republic in Crisis!

At the outset, I’m pretty sure that you have wondered, or are wondering, if America should be thought of as a Republic or a Democracy. Well, let’s take a closer look. A REPUBLIC is where the people delegate their responsibility to elected representatives in government to make decisions. Thus, the

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From Malta to Rome (AD 61)

As we saw last week, the anticipated relaxing Mediterranean Cruise turned out to be a dangerous and stressful journey across the Mediterranean in an attempt to reach Italy so that Paul could stand trial before Nero. In a hurry to get Paul to Rome from Caesarea, the journey was attempted

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A Relaxing Mediterranean Cruise – Not Quite! (AD 60)

Several years ago, Peggy and I had the joy of actually being on a Mediterranean Cruise, and it was indeed relaxing. But not so with Paul and the rest of those on his ship. Today, we will take a look at this particular Mediterranean cruise in AD 60 recorded by

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Almost Persuaded! (AD 60)

We saw last week that although Governor Festus was intending to send Paul to Rome to be tried under Caesar, he needed to have more concrete charges against him. All of his previous charges were brought by Jewish antagonists and focused on the temple and the Law of Moses. Festus

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Paul Stands Before a Roman Governor and a Jewish King (AD 60)

We discovered last week that Paul finally had a chance to confront his accusers from Jerusalem in front of Governor Felix. And we discovered that for the next two years, Paul had many opportunities to share with Felix and his wife Drusilla about Jesus, and just possibly, they had come

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Paul Confronts False Accusations (AD 58).

We discovered last week that Paul’s attempt to reason with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem ended before it ever got started! Rescued once again by the Romans and learning of a plot by the Jews to kill Paul, the Roman commander ordered his soldiers to take Paul during the night to

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Rescued by the Romans! (AD 58)

We discovered last week that although Paul knew that trouble awaited him in Jerusalem, he moved forward with his commitment to share the story of his conversion and calling to bring the gospel to the Gentiles with the agitated crowd that had gathered in the temple. After the crowd became

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Paul’s Life Story – Shared and Rejected! (AD 58)

We discovered last week that although Paul knew that trouble awaited him in Jerusalem, he would not be persuaded to avoid going there, wanting to have an opportunity to share the Gospel with many of those who were part of the mob who insisted the Jesus be crucified almost 30

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