Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #14: “Family Upheaval”

“What do you want to eat today,” my mom asked. “And where do you want to go this weekend to play?” After I was born, my mother left her job and devoted her time to taking care of our family. Moreover, my father and his best friend ran a successful

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #13: “Green Bean Soup”

Green bean soup is cooked together with rice and green beans. If you want it sweeter, you can always add a little sugar. It is not only cool to quench one’s thirst, but it also has a soothing and detoxifying effect. When I was in junior middle school, I went

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #12: “The ‘Terrible’ Gardener”

When I was a little boy, my family lived in a house near a beautiful hill where lots of families lived. The hill was managed by a gardener, but most people never saw him. My best friend Lei said, “The hill is managed by a terrible man. He is big

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #11: “The Burning Ping-Pong Ball”

In every person’s life, there are many events that make a lasting impression. Some may be happy, and some sad. Some can be heart-warming, and some provide an important lesson to learn. I was greatly impacted by an event that happened in my childhood, an event that taught me to

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #10: “Ping-Pong Playoff”

When I heard the ping-pong ball skipping across the table, I could feel my heart beat skip too. It was my last game in primary school, and the last ball of the game. Either I would win, along with my team, or we would both lose. That game was critical,

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #9: “My Cousin Cong”

“Will you go with me to watch the drama?” Grandpa asked. “Yes, Sir!” my cousin Cong shouted eagerly. I just thought in disgust, “Why must Cong go with us?” During the temple fair in our village (which falls on the 15th day of the third moon), there were always traditional

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students Lesson #8: “In the Nick of Time”

When I was a little girl, I liked playing with my friends during the summer in the pool outside our village. But I have never gone back there since the day I realized that children must never go near the deep end of the pool. Let me tell you my

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students #7: “Chaos in Class”

When I was young, I used to be a lively, cheerful, and happy girl. I remembered that I was such an extrovert that I was always singing and dancing and wasn’t at all shy with adults. I always did well in school and was often chosen to be the class

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students #6: “A Timely Knock at the Door”

It was a freezing night in November when I was just 9 years old. The blowing wind outside was so severe that I thought the window in my room would break. Unfortunately, my father was on a far-away business trip, so only my mother and I were at home. During

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Life-Changing Lessons from Some of China’s Best Students #5: “Teenage Runaway”

When I was fifteen years old and in middle school, I ran away from home with my three close friends. The four of us traveled around for two weeks without any connections with our families or schools. Looking back, I am certain that this was the most terrible thing that

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