Life Marks: LIVING IN A SADD WORLD I’ve often used the acronym SADD to describe the world in which we live. The “S” stands for Sin – People sin against us either in word or in deed. That’s always painful, and we have all taken the brunt of another person’s

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Life Marks: TAKING OUT THE TRASH I suspect that from the time you were a little child, you disliked (a softer word than “hated,” although some of you might have preferred I used it) doing chores. Whether they were daily or weekly, most of the time it brought on a sense

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Life Marks: Our Greatest High Priest

Life Marks – OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST Last week was pretty involved in helping you to understand how Jesus could qualify as our High Priest even though he did not descend (through his earthly parents, Joseph and Mary) from the tribe of Levi, from which Aaron, Moses’ brother, was the

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Life Marks: OUR HIGH PRIEST The New Testament Book of Hebrews was written primarily to Jewish Christians, probably living in Italy, around AD 64. In AD 49, Emperor Claudius banished all Jews from Rome because of disturbances and riots over a man named Cristos! Apparently, Jewish Christians from around the

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Life Marks: SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES When a person comes to Christ to receive salvation, they come to an actual “living stone,” a Stone rejected by men but “choice and precious” in the sight of God. And this Stone is not just any stone, but the Living Cornerstone, who is none other

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Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 4)

Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 4) As we have seen previously, understanding our spiritual heritage in the Old Covenant is vitally important for us to understand our significance in Christ today. In God’s plan, the Old Covenant Temple was just temporary, a “shadow” of better things to come. God always knew

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Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 3)

Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 3) As I mentioned last week, history is vitally important for us to understand our spiritual heritage, as well as for understanding our significance in Christ. I hope that you gained some historical perspective on temples in general and, of course, the Temple that was built for

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Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 2)

Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 2) As we saw last week, God has a plan for each one of us. It is a good plan, a plan to bring abundant blessings to us and to those around us. In order for us to adequately tackle what I have in mind for

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Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT God has a plan for each of us, and that plan is a good plan. Some people assume that if it’s God’s plan for them, it must be stifling, boring, and maybe even a little “weird.” The Old Testament historical documents record God telling the ancient Israelites that

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Life Marks: SECURE

Life Marks: SECURE No, I will not be talking about “Social Security” benefits, knowing that if things go “south” in our economy, these might be taken away from millions of Americans. Regarding our relationship with God, there are some things that will never be taken away from us. Knowing that you

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