Life Marks: Renewing our Minds

Life Marks: Renewing our Minds Repentance and Faith (previously considered) form the twin foundation stones for the Christian life. Without them, there can be no genuine Christian, and no genuine Christian life. Why is that? It’s simply because Repentance and Faith open the door for the transformation of the heart.

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Life Marks: Invitation or Command?

Life Marks: Invitation or Command? Although you may not remember all of them, we’ve all heard of the “Ten Commandments” that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai about 3,500 years ago. There are a lot of “don’ts” in the list, such as “don’t have any other gods but the

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Life Marks: “More than a Virtue”

Life Marks:  “More than a Virtue” Because of the amount of time that has elapsed, a quick review about what we have covered so far in looking at love seems not only appropriate, but important. In Blog #15, we discovered that genuine love is both unconditional and sacrificial, and we

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Life Marks: “A Reason to Love”

Life Marks  – “A Reason to Love” As I noted in my last blog, Jesus placed an “impossible” demand on His followers when He told them that they needed to love Him above everything else in their lives. The Bible tells us that the greatest of all Christian virtues is love

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Life Marks – “The Impossibility of Love”

Life Marks – “The Impossibility of Love” As we saw last week, Jesus calls His followers to love Him above everything else in their lives – above our family, above our careers, above our favorite meal or vacation spot, above our fitness programs, and yes, even above our favorite sports (bye-bye

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Life Marks: “The Price of Love”

Life Marks:  “The Price of Love” Jesus knew that He needed to have some “personal time” with Peter after his three denials a few weeks earlier by the charcoal fire on the night in which Jesus was arrested. Interestingly, the Scriptures record no private conversation between Peter and Jesus after

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Life Marks: “The Greatest of These”

Life Marks – “The Greatest of These” Most of you have, at one time or another, heard of or even read the “Love Chapter” in the Bible. It’s found in Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, Chapter 13 (1 Cor. 13). In that chapter, Paul spends a lot of

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Life Marks: “SAVING” FAITH

BLOG 14 – “SAVING” FAITH Each of the gospel writers recorded the time on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when Jesus “felt compassion” on the multitudes who had come to hear Him teach and be healed of their infirmities. He noticed that after several hours, the people were

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Life Marks: “SAYING” FAITH

BLOG 13 – “SAYING” FAITH Immediately following Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” Luke records that Jesus entered the town of Capernaum (located along the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee). As Jesus entered the town, he was approached by some Jewish elders who had been sent by a Roman

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