Finishing Strong – Finishing Well (AD 48)

Last week, we saw Paul and Barnabas returning to the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch only to find that the Jews had:   …incited the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district (Acts 13:50). 

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To the Gentiles we go! (AD 46)

Last week, we saw Paul and Barnabas entering the city of Pisidian Antioch (in modern-day Turkey) where they visited the synagogue on the Sabbath. After being asked to share with those present, Paul provided them with a “history lesson” of the Jewish people, and then introduced them to Jesus, focusing

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The Gospel Invades the Empire (AD 45)

Last week, we saw that God’s ultimate plan for the Church was to take the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire, beginning with Jews in local synagogues and later reaching out specifically to Gentiles. But before Saul (Paul) could go to the Gentiles, three things needed to happen: 1) The Church

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1-2-3-Go! (AD 38-44)

Before the holidays, we saw that for the first time the Gospel had finally come to the Gentiles. We saw two men (Peter a Jew and Cornelius a Gentile) each experiencing a vision that occurred at just the right time in preparation for what God was going to do. God

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Gog and Magog – The Real Story (Part 2)

In last week’s blog, we discovered that Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 38:1-6 described a “prince” (or a significant official) by the name of “Gog” in the land of “Magog” who would come against God’s people “advancing like a storm” and “covering the land like a cloud” in order to “seize

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Gog and Magog – The Real Story (Part 1)

Since the war in the Middle East began over two months ago, my cell phone has been bombarded with a variety of prophecy prognosticators telling us to be prepared for the coming invasion of Israel by lands “to the north,” specifically, the lands of Russia and Iran. All of this

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Two Men – Two Visions – Two Transformations (AD 38)

Last week, we spent our time looking at Saul’s conversion while traveling to Damascus to arrest and imprison followers of Jesus. My encouragement for each of us was to realize that just as Saul was blinded to the physical world around him, we can also be blinded by Satan to

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Arrested by Jesus! (AD 34)

Several weeks ago, we read the account of Philip who was returning to Jerusalem from Samaria when he encountered a eunuch who had just worshiped in Jerusalem and was returning to Ethiopia. And this eunuch “just happened” to be reading about the prophecy of the Messiah’s suffering and death for

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Israel and the Land of Promise (Part 2)

Those of you who took the time to read last week’s blog realized that it was quite lengthy, as we surveyed the Scriptures regarding the Land of Promise. In the process, we asked the question: “Is Israel’s current occupation of the Land a fulfillment of prophecy, or is it simply

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Israel and the Land of Promise (Part 1)

In talking about the Land of Promise, we must begin with the land that was promised to Abraham in approximately 2100 BC: Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country; and from your relatives; and from your Father’s house, to the land that I will show you;

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