When a Door Closes, Look for God to Open a Bigger and Better One (AD 54-57)
Three weeks ago, we discovered that Apollos from Alexandria in Egypt arrived in Ephesus, and having never met Paul, was able to do what Paul had been doing for several years, that is, effectively refuting the Jews in public and demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah. Unbeknownst
God is not Finished with You Yet! (AD 30)
On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to many, including several of the women who went to the tomb early in the morning. And then, Jesus appeared to his disciples and then to hundreds of people over the next forty days leading up to His ascension into
The Things that Make for Peace (AD 30)
Before Passover in AD 30, Jesus began to tell His disciples that He would soon be taking His last journey to Jerusalem, and that once inside the city, He would be handed over to the religious leaders and then to the Romans for crucifixion. And, of course, He added that
Standing in the Gap! (AD 53)
Last week, we saw how Crispus, a synagogue leader in Corinth, and Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia, unknowingly worked together to bless Paul and the growth of the church in Corinth. And, of course, we related this to the fact that regardless of your position in life, we all have
The Power of Position (AD 51)
Last week, we saw Paul preaching the gospel to the philosophers on Mars Hill, and Luke made a point of providing the names of two individuals who believed, along with several others. If you recall, Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy to arrive from Berea, but as it turned
Engaging the Philosophers on Mars Hill (AD 51)
Last week, we saw that the Jews in Berea were more “noble-minded” than the Jews in Thessalonica as they searched the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul was telling them about the Messiah was actually true. In Berea, Jews and “God-fearing” Gentiles were being converted and discipled by Paul
The Heart and Mind of a Berean (AD 51)
Last week, we saw the conversion of Lydia which led to the beginning of a new church in the city of Philippi, only later to find Paul and Silas being beaten by the city magistrates and thrown into a jail cell. While they sang praises to God, a well-timed earthquake
Jail Time with a Divine Purpose (AD 51)
Last week, we saw how Paul’s vision of the “man from Macedonia” redirected his travel plans, and as a result, he encountered a Gentile by the name of Luke who would join the trio (Paul, Silas, and Timothy) as they entered Macedonia. I also asked all of us to remember
The Divine Purpose in Disrupted Plans (AD 50)
When Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch after the first Church Council in Jerusalem, they read the judgment of the Council to the church and they rejoiced over the decision to accept Gentiles as equal members of the body of Christ, but recommending a few social restrictions so as not
The First Church Council Sets the Standard (AD 49)
Last week, we saw Paul and Barnabas completing their First Missionary Journey into Asia Minor. After returning to their “home church” in Antioch, they soon discovered that some of the Jewish believers from the church in Jerusalem had come to Antioch and began teaching the brethren: “Unless you are circumcised according