The First 40 Days — The Final Encounter (Part 2)

Last week, we discovered that the real Elijah that the nation (and the disciples) had been looking for was actually John the Baptist, who came in the “spirit and power of Elijah.” Remember the words of the angel who spoke to Zechariah (John’s father) prior to his birth: “He will

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The First 40 Days — The Final Encounter (Part 1)

After leaving the Sea of Galilee, Jesus met His disciples on the Mount of Olives, located near Bethany, just a short distance east of Jerusalem. The disciples had plenty of questions, and began with this one: “Lord, is it at this time that you are restoring the kingdom to Israel?”

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The First 40 Days — The Fourth Encounter (continued)

In this blog, we move from Jesus’ encounters with the disciples in and around Jerusalem to the shores of the Sea of Galilee. As we saw last week, He had prepared another “charcoal fire” and was cooking some fish and bread on it. Breakfast was ready, but first they had

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The First 40 Days – The Fourth Encounter

In this blog, we move from Jesus’ encounters with the disciples in and around Jerusalem to the shores of the Sea of Galilee. If you recall, Jesus had waited another week to make sure that Thomas was with the other disciples in the Upper Room, and then fulfilling His words

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The First 40 Days — The Third Encounter

REVIEW: The women who went to the tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning returned to the Upper Room where Jesus’ disciples had gathered and shared the news. Of course, Peter and John had to see for themselves and so they ran to the tomb only to find it empty

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The First 40 Days –The Second Encounter

REVIEW: The women who first went to the tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning returned to the Upper Room where Jesus’ disciples had gathered and shared the news. Of course, Peter and John had to see for themselves and so they ran to the tomb only to find it

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The First 40 Days — The First Encounter

Even though Easter Sunday, 2023, is now behind us, our remembrance and celebration of Jesus’ resurrection continues to impact the lives of all who know Him. We are all reminded of the women who first went to the tomb with spices for Jesus’ body early Sunday morning, only to find

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The Seven Doors — Part 2

As noted in my last blog, the Old and New Testaments reveal a number of doors that provide significant insights into the role that each door played in its original context, and which continue to have an important role to play in our own spiritual lives today. I have identified

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The Seven Doors — Part 1

Searching through the Old and New Testaments, you will find a number of doors that provide some significant insights into the role that each door played in its original context, and which continue to have an important bearing on our own spiritual lives today. In my search, I identified seven

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What’s so Good about Good Friday?

For centuries, Christians have referred to the day in which Christ died as “Good Friday.” And so, it’s only natural that we ask the question: “What’s so good about Jesus hanging on a cross, shedding His blood, and dying? In other words, “What’s so Good about Good Friday? I’d like

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