Truth-Seekers Seek Jesus

After the crowds welcomed Jesus into the city, they were certainly expecting to witness some dramatic events that would eventually lead to the overthrow of Rome, allowing the people to “get their country back,” so to speak. It appears, however, that after this huge welcoming party, Jesus wanted to have

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The King is Coming 

It was Passover week, and the streets of Jerusalem were choked with tens of thousands of faithful Jews from around Judea and the far reaches of the Roman Empire. It was Palm Sunday, the first day of the week, and Good Friday would be just a few days away. When

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Anointed for Burial

As you recall last week, from the time that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the Chief Priests and Pharisees plotted together to kill him. Knowing this plot was being hatched, Jesus left Judea and went to the city of Ephraim where He stayed with His disciples. But the Feast

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The Prophecy of Caiaphas

After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the response of the crowd was mixed, as some believed that Jesus was certainly the Messiah, while others were resistant, and wanted to make sure that the Pharisees and Chief Priests knew what had just happened in Bethany, just a few miles from

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Lazarus, Come Forth! 

As you recall, after leaving Jerusalem, Jesus and His disciples went across the Jordan to the place where John the Baptist used to baptize those who responded to his message of repentance. Shortly after their arrival, Jesus received an urgent message that He was desperately needed in Bethany (about two

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Why the Delay? 

After Jesus left Jerusalem, He and His disciples went across the Jordan River to the place where John the Baptist used to baptize those who responded to his message of repentance. People were saying that although John had performed no miraculous sign, everything that he had said about Jesus was

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Like Father, Like Son

Last week, we saw Jesus attending the Feast of the Dedication, at which time He plainly asserted His deity. As the Jews continued to ask Him whether or not He was the Messiah, Jesus responded by saying: “I told you and you do not believe; the works that I do

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Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice

In today’s blog, we find Jesus continuing his “mini sermon” on the Temple steps in Jerusalem. Two weeks ago, we discovered that He identified Himself as the Gate to the sheep pen, and the sheep of His pasture come in and out only through this Gate. We saw that Jesus

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The Good Shepherd

In today’s blog, we find Jesus continuing his “mini sermon” on the Temple steps in Jerusalem. Last week, we saw that Jesus identified Himself as the Gate to the sheep pen, and the sheep come in and out only through this Gate. We saw that Jesus spoke words that many

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The Gate

While continuing to teach on the Temple steps after healing the man born blind, Jesus began a “mini-sermon,” and this time He decided to focus on His true identity and upon those who follow Him. He began by talking about sheep, saying that anyone who enters the sheep pen by

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