Confronting our Fears

I’m sure that we can all point to a time in our lives when fear seemed to overwhelm us. Looking back, we realize that we somehow managed to make it through, but not without a great deal of emotional “hand-wringing” and “heart-wrenching” turmoil. Fear is a natural human response to dangerous and sometimes life-threatening situations. Natural disasters, abusive relationships, and new and uncertain ventures can all bring fear that disrupts our otherwise relatively peaceful existence. Sadly, some people live in fear each and every day. And now, the COVID-19 outbreak brings cause for concern for all us, and fear for many.

Of course, God wants us to take all the necessary precautions to help prevent us from contracting the virus. We’ve all heard the advice on television or the internet, and we all need to heed the advice that is coming from medical professionals. But at the same time, we are all aware that taking the recommended precautions may not prevent us from contracting the virus, regardless of how diligent we are. And this is where the “fear factor” confronts us. How can we maintain our composure and experience even peace and joy, in the midst of potential “danger?”

Throughout the Bible, fear is mentioned hundreds of times whenever God’s people are confronted with challenging situations, some of them quite dangerous or life-threatening. The Israelites feared when the Egyptians were bearing down on them as they stood trapped in a cul-de-sac with no way of escape, unless of course, God intervened. And He certainly did, as He used a “strong east wind” at the perfect time to part the waters of the sea so that the Israelites could pass through and reach safety on the other side. Just prior to the parting of the sea, God said to Moses “Do not Fear” (Ex. 14:13) because He was going to do something so significant that it would be remembered by the Israelites for generations to come. And Moses confronted his fears and did what God commanded.

But how did Moses confront his fears? He did it because he had already learned to trust the One who is trustworthy. And you and I can do the same. We need to learn to trust God, because He is the One who not only has the “whole world in His hands,” but our own lives as well.

King David had to confront His fears on numerous occasions during his lifetime, and he wrote about his experiences in the Psalms. Here is what he said in just one of his psalms,

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps. 27:1).

David confronted his fears by recognizing that God was the One who was the light that pointed him on the right path and that He would deliver him at the right time; and that God was his “stronghold,” or fortress, who provided protection from the enemy pounding on his door.

We all remember the Ten Commandments given to Moses and often point to the many “commands” that the Lord has called us to obey. But did you realize that there is another command in Scripture that is repeated more often than any of the Lord’s other commands? That command is simply, “Do not Fear.” Let’s not forget that it is a “command” that we need to obey, and when we are reminded of the One who puts his signature under this command, then we can confront our fears and conquer them, knowing the God has all things under His control.

So, knowing that the One who cares for and loves us beyond measure is our “light” and our “stronghold,” we have every reason to obey His command. So, let’s just do it, “Do not Fear.”

Blessings to you, and I pray that you have a “fear-less” week


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    Virginia says

    In Sunday School we have been studying fear. We have been in the Book of Nehemiah. Like you said we must Trust God by safeguarding, just as later Israelites carried an Uzi to the market, we will use disinfectant on our shopping carts.

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    Linda says

    Very timely Jim. As I prepare to leave for Greece with my church group Sunday, this is a great reminder and encouragement. Our God is mighty and trustworthy. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us. His name is to be praised above all others.

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