The Real Jesus (Part 1)

Our “meaningful and memorable” verse for today is found in the Gospel of John, where Jesus announced, 

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (Jn. 3:16).

This is probably the most often quoted verse in the entire Bible. We see the address “John 3:16” on placards at many sporting events, most notably behind the goal posts at professional football games. Why is this verse so meaningful? Because it encapsulates the Gospel, that is, the Good News that Jesus has come into the world to save all of us from the penalty and power of sin.

At the outset, Jesus spoke of “God” (Gk. theos), referring to the living God of the Bible. The God of the Bible is the triune God who has existed from all eternity in three persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Neither one has been created and neither is subservient to the other, even though each person of the trinity has different functions to perform. The Scriptures tell us that when Jesus became a man, He temporarily “relinquished” or “set aside” some of His privileges of deity, and yet always maintained His divine nature (Phil. 2:5-8). 

And this is the God who loved the world (that is, every person in the world) unconditionally, and sacrificially “gave” His only Son (Jesus) to the world as a “free gift” of His grace. Let’s not minimize the fact that our God is a God who loves to “give,” and when He gives, it is undeserved, and that’s what we call “grace.” 

The invitation to believe is extended to “whosoever” and that means anyone who, of their own free will,  chooses to believe. The word for “believe” is the same Greek word for “faith” (pistis). To believe means more than just “intellectual assent,” as it is also about personal engagement involving “trust.” It’s about believing in Jesus for who He is (the Messiah and Son of God) and for what He has done by dying on the cross for our sins. And then, it’s about trusting Him to forgive our sins if we simply ask Him (1 Jn. 1:9). 

Those who “trust” him by faith will never “perish,” that is, they will never be separated from God’s presence. On the contrary, they will receive “life,” His “life,” and that “life” will extend into eternity. 

Did you know that there is nothing that you can ever do, or have ever done, that will stop God from loving you? His love for you is unconditional and never-ending. 

This verse is an invitation for all of us to believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah, the Son of God, and to put our faith and trust in Him for salvation. His response is to give us not only “life,” but “life” that extends into eternity. When we come to Him, we must come humbly, confessing our sins and asking Him to “save” us from “perishing,” which is the penalty for our sin. This is the same Jesus who is alive today and is waiting for you (one of the “whosoevers”) to put your faith in Him and receive eternal life. 

If you have never done so, there is no reason to put if off any longer. Just “believe” and “trust.” He’s waiting for you. May God bless you abundantly.


  1. REPLY
    Mary McKean says

    This will be a wonderful blog. Thanks, Jim. Your verses added to the ones I have on 3 daily flip cards, will help in keeping me up with memory verses. Another thought to today’s verse; when we believe and trust Him, we “make” or allow Him to be the Lord in our life which gets into the subject of obedience. I always look forward to receiving your blogs that also catch me up with you and Peggy.

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    Joe says

    Thanks for this Jim. I will look forward to these. We began our sabbatical and I am using some of the time to read through your 66 book summaries. Very enjoyable. One to two a day. May God guide you as you write and richly bless you as you are blessing others.

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