We are not the first ones to be challenged to “believe” at Christmas time. I was reflecting upon some of the key passages of Scripture that tell us quite a bit about the birth of Jesus. It was the Angel Gabriel who constantly shows up in the Christmas story, and when he does, he makes some pretty “outrageous” announcements.
First, Gabriel appeared to Mary telling her that, “You will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High….” As unbelievable as it sounded (being a virgin), she believed his words that she would give birth to the Son of God (Lk. 1:30-32).
Second, Gabriel appeared to Joseph to let him know about his betrothed – that she was pregnant, not from another man, but from the Holy Spirit. Gabriel told Joseph to take Mary as His wife, and she will bear a son. He was to name him “Jesus, because He will save His people (and all people) from their sins.” Furthermore, this would be the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy from Isaiah (7:14) that “…a virgin will conceive and the child will be called Immanuel, or God with us” (Mt. 1:18-25). And just like Mary, Joseph believed Gabriel.
Third, an angel (probably Gabriel again) appeared to the shepherds who were watching their flocks in the fields at night, telling them, “Today, in the City of David (Bethlehem), a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:8-11). And, like Mary and Joseph, these shepherds believed Gabriel and left the fields for Bethlehem.
Interestingly, Gabriel (sometimes called “The Messenger Angel”) used several different titles for Jesus: 1) He would be the “Son of the Most High,” that is, the “Son of God;” 2) He would also be known as the “Christ,” that is, He would be the long expected Messiah, or Deliverer (“Christ” is the Greek word for “Messiah”); 3) He would also be known as “Immanuel,” that is, “God with us.” He would come in the form of a man who took on human flesh. The Apostle Paul tells us that he had two “essential natures” (Gk. morphe), the nature of God and the nature of man (Phil. 2:6-8). He was the God-Man, fully God and fully man. He was able to sin (just like us), but also able not to sin (so unlike us). Because He never sinned (even His critics could find no fault in Him), he could qualify as the perfect lamb who would one day be sacrificed for our sins. And that constitutes the final title that Gabriel used for Jesus, 4) The child would also be the Savior who would save us from our sins (Mt. 1:21).
One more thing before I close – If you read the Christmas accounts closely, you will notice that when Gabriel first approached Mary, Joseph, and the angels, his opening words were simply, “Don’t be afraid.” Standing face to face with an angel would strike fear within all of us. But today (unless you have seen an angelic being lately) our fear is a little different. It’s about that leap – the “leap of faith” which we have been talking about. The salvation that Jesus provides is a gift that can only be received, never earned. Like the Prodigal, each one of us must “change our mind” and admit that we need a Savior. Recognizing our own need for forgiveness is the REPENTANCE side of the coin, and then believing that we will be forgiven if we simply ask Him is the other side of that coin, which we call FAITH. The moment a request for forgiveness reaches heaven’s door, His response is always swift and sure – it is done! The soul is emptied of “junk,” and He proceeds to give us an amazing gift. It’s the gift of Life, and this gift changes everything. Pretty amazing stuff! If you haven’t yet taken this “leap of faith,” maybe it’s time to do so. Just jump. That’s what I call, “Christmas Faith.”
Merry Christmas to all.


  1. REPLY
    Martha Wade says

    Good Morning, Jim
    Gabriel also appeared to Zacharias (Luke 1:19)! I was encouraged in reading this passage to learn that even though Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous in the sight of God (Luke 1:6), he still struggled in his faith, and was disciplined (ie. He was not perfect!:)

    Always appreciate yours and Peggy’s continued service in His Name.

    Merry Christmas to you both & family!
    Martha Wade

  2. REPLY
    Virginia Lashbrook says

    One of Bob’s and my favorite fiddlers, Kyle Dillingham, recently put out a new album called “Faith or Fear”. I first read about it during the elections. The title comes to mind regularly. It’s a choice we make. How convincing Gabriel certainly was. When I go back to the adage “What would Our Lord Jesus do?”, I am convinced with confidence! Choose Faith!

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