Life Marks: “SEEING” FAITH (PART 2)


As Jesus witnessed four guys lowering their paralyzed friend on a stretcher through the hole in the roof, Luke tells us that Jesus could “see their faith.” But what was He going to say as the paralytic was lowered in front of him? As Jesus did on so many occasions, He stunned the crowd by saying something quite shocking. It was simple and to the point, “Friend, your sins are forgiven!” Interestingly, the four friends brought their paralyzed friend expecting Jesus to heal him, but Jesus appeared to not be very concerned about his physical healing, but more with his spiritual healing.
Of course, this did not sit well with the religious leaders who had gathered in the house. They were certain that Jesus was speaking blasphemy as they “…thought to themselves….Who is this who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Of course, Jesus knew what they were thinking and decided to challenge their unspoken doubts with His own question, “Which is easier to say, ‘your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk?’”
So how would you have answered? Think about it, which is easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven?” or “Get up and walk?” Of course it is much easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven!” Anyone could say that, as there would be no visible evidence that such forgiveness had taken place, at least not initially. But could just anyone heal the lame man? Of course not, and so Jesus responded, “So that you may know that the Son of Man (a Messianic title He often used) has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the lame man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home.” And, of course, the man was immediately healed, took up his mat, and went home, praising God as his legs, once paralyzed, were now perfectly well. The lame man exercised his belief that Jesus could heal him, and responded by standing on his feet (something that he hadn’t done in years, and maybe his whole life). But interestingly, he also received a “bonus,” that is, he came for physical healing, and was leaving with both physical, as well as spiritual healing.
Luke records that everyone was amazed and praised God, and being filled with awe, they said to one another, “We have seen remarkable things today.” And indeed, they had. The paralytic’s instantaneous healing pointed directly to Jesus’ authority to “forgive sins.” Although Jesus came to earth for many important reasons, He pointed to the most important reason when He told the crowd that He could forgive people of their sins. He forgave the paralyzed man of his sins on that day in the house, and the Bible clearly reveals that He has the power to forgive anyone’s sins at any time. The paralytic believed first, and then acted – He believed he would be healed, and then acted on that belief by actually getting up and walking. The lesson is not so much about the man’s physical healing, but his spiritual well-being. One involves the healing of the body, the other the healing of the soul, which is much more important.
And so, the truth remains to this day – Jesus has the power to forgive sins, and our response is to believe and then act upon it. If God’s Spirit has brought conviction to your soul that you have sinned and need forgiveness, then it’s time to believe that Jesus will forgive your sins if you simply ask Him to. The Bible couldn’t be clearer, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful to His promise to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Just as Jesus “saw faith” in the hearts and minds of the paralytic and his four friends, Jesus wants to “see” your faith as well. So, let Him see it. He promised that if you “ask,” you will “receive.” If you haven’t yet done it, what are you waiting for?
                                    Jesus’ encounter with the paralytic is found in Luke 5:17-26.

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