Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 4)

Life Marks: SIGNIFICANT (Part 4)

As we have seen previously, understanding our spiritual heritage in the Old Covenant is vitally important for us to understand our significance in Christ today. In God’s plan, the Old Covenant Temple was just temporary, a “shadow” of better things to come. God always knew that the temple would be replaced by another temple, a temple not made with human hands, but a temple built by God Himself in the hearts of those who have been redeemed by His blood and adopted into His family. God’s design has always been to dwell “in His people” individually, and “in the church” collectively. If you are a Christian, then God lives within you. Your body is His temple, where He has chosen to dwell. With this biblical truth in mind, there is no reason for anyone to doubt their significance. But there is more to consider.
While informing his readers about the New Covenant Temple, the Apostle Peter said that when a person “comes to Christ,” they come to an actual “living stone.” And he wasn’t referring to just any “stone,” but to the Cornerstone of the entire structure, Jesus Christ. Everyone, even in Jesus’ day, knew that the cornerstone of any building was the most important stone, as it impacted the design and integrity of the entire structure. A flawed cornerstone will result in a flawed building. Interestingly, Peter goes on to say that although this “Cornerstone” was rejected by men, it is “choice” and “precious” in the sight of God (1 Pet. 2:4). Yes, that’s Jesus, rejected by the religious leaders and those who were expecting a different kind of Messiah, but accepted by God and those who have received His message of salvation.
And then Peter goes on to share some really good “stuff.” He says that Christians are actual “living stones” who are being built up into a “spiritual house” (a temple), for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 2:5). Wow! If you are a follower of Christ, you are a “living” stone and part of His New Covenant Temple, the Church. Imagine that at the moment you came to Christ as the Cornerstone (the day you acknowledged Him as your Savior and Lord), you were uniquely placed as a “living stone,” joining other “living stones,” in the larger structure, the “living and growing” Temple of God, the Church.
Recognizing the Old Covenant Temple as the “shadow” of better things to come, Peter goes on to tell us about our spiritual identity as the “living stones” that make up His Church. He says that instead of Israel being His “chosen race” and “holy nation,” the Church is now His spiritual “chosen race” and “holy nation.” No more Jew or Gentile, but we are all now one body in Christ. Furthermore, Peter tells us that we have become “…a people for God’s own possession so that we may declare the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9). The “living stones” that make up the Church have all been “adopted” into “His family” and are now “His possession.” And His possession is actually a “family of adopted children” in which each member has been made “holy” by the blood of Christ.
And Peter also tells us something very important for any temple in any culture, and that is that every temple must have an “official priesthood.” But the New Testament Temple is different in that the priests do not offer sacrifices of animals, fruits, or vegetables, but “spiritual sacrifices” that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. And this New Covenant Priesthood is a “royal priesthood” made up of people from every tongue and nation who have become the “living stones” in the New Covenant Temple. That means that every Christian now has the privilege of praying for others, and to offer up “spiritual sacrifices” that are pleasing to God.
If you are a follower of Christ, there is no reason for you to ever feel “insignificant.” Indeed, you are significant not only because of what Christ has done for you, but also for who you are in Him – A living stone in a Temple in which He has chosen to dwell. And you, that “living stone,” also has the privilege of being a “royal priest” who has been given the awesome responsibility of offering spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God.” Now that’s what I call “SIGNIFICANCE.”   
With that, I’d like to bring to a close the issue of our “identity” in Christ, and move forward to the privilege we have of offering “spiritual sacrifices.” So, just what are those sacrifices? As you might have guessed, that will be our topic for next week. Hope you will join me.


  1. REPLY
    bill says

    love your teaching

  2. REPLY
    bill says

    jim and peggy hope to see you soon! love, Bill

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