Life Without Easter

Not too long ago, I was introduced to a song entitled “Without His Cross.” The lyrics tell the whole story of how the events of “Good Friday” impact our lives, even today. Here is the essence of those lyrics: 

“Without His tears, there is no comfort; without His death, there is no life; without His blood, there is no pardon; without His shame, there is no glory; without His grief, there is no joy; without His stripes, there is no healing; without His cross, there is no crown.”

All these things are true and should cause each of us to pause in order to realize that the cross plays a central role in the Christian life. The Bible is clear in the fact that Christ died for our sins, and without the cross, there is no payment for sins, no forgiveness, and no cleansing from sin. But the resurrection is equally important. Just think of it – If Christ died on the cross and remained in the grave, no one would believe that His death was in any way significant. It’s His resurrection that not only puts the “stamp of approval” from God, but also puts the “stamp of assurance” that Christ died for our sins. It is His resurrection that demonstrates that forgiveness is available for everyone.  

In his first sermon on the day of Pentecost, Peter proclaimed the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, claiming that it was the resurrection that proved that Jesus was both “Lord” and “Messiah” (Acts 2:36). Can you imagine calling any man with his body still in the grave “Lord?” Impossible. But if Jesus has not been raised, He is neither “Lord” nor “Christ,” and we would be guilty of worshiping a “false God.” 

The Apostle Paul goes on to tell us more about the absolute necessity of the resurrection. Just as the song told of the cross, so the resurrection is equally important. Let me summarize Paul’s classical argument from Scripture:

Without His resurrection, all proclamation of the Good News is meaningless; without His resurrection, our faith is worthless (wow!); without His resurrection, all those who proclaim His resurrection are false witnesses; without His resurrection, we are still in our sins; without His resurrection, there is no hope for those who have died; without His resurrection, there in no hope for those who are living; and without His resurrection, we are of all people most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:12-19). 

But now, let’s turn the tables, and reveal the truth of how His resurrection affects those who have chosen to follow Him: 

Because He is risen, our proclamation of the Good News is rich and full of meaning; because He is risen, our faith is both real and alive; because He is risen, our confession brings forgiveness of sins; because He is risen, our hope of eternal life for those who have gone before us, as well as for ourselves, is assured; and because He is risen, those who proclaim this Good News are blessed beyond measure.   

Easter is comin’! Take a few minutes to reflect upon what life would be like without Easter, that is, without Jesus’ resurrection; and then take a whole lot of time reflecting upon the truths that flow from the reality of His resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. HE IS RISEN….HE IS RISEN INDEED!


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    Joe says

    Thanks Jim,
    Great to hear your trip to China went so well. Glad Peggy is doing okay after her fall. Trying to imagine a world without Jesus resurrection would make a world without George Bailey seem like Christmas. Potter’s in charge everywhere; one dark place to be. He is risen indeed! Whew.
    Have a happy Easter celebration.

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    Vivian Brumfield says

    Thanks, Jim, for your dedication and wisdom. Patti and I attended Good Friday service at our church last night. Your blog is so appropriate as a follow-up to that service. Indeed, what would we ever do if there were no Easter? Each day, as I observe what is happening in our world, I am more and more aware that the Lord’s return is not far off. I am so grateful for the salvation Jesus’ death made available to me. He is risen indeed!

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    Ravona colliander says

    This brings to my mind how serious being a Christian is. With today’s troubles that we have in the fights and the evil what a blessing it is to have Jesus die for all of us. I pray in my heart for all those to know him and love him like I do. Thank you Pastor Jim for this blog it really touched me and made me think. Happy Easter to you and Peggy

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